Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ellipticals Vs Treadmills - Which One Burns More Fat?

!±8± Ellipticals Vs Treadmills - Which One Burns More Fat?

As long as these two machines have been around, the elliptical vs treadmill debate has raged on. Home exercise equipment isn't cheap and the time you spend working out is precious. It makes sense then to invest in the machine that will give you the best results.

Treadmills and elliptical trainers are the top two best-selling exercise equipment respectively, but which one is actually best at burning the most calories? There is certainly a lot of argument with many people liking both pieces of equipment. However, when it comes down to which one burns the most fat the answer isn't so cut and dry.

Despite what you may have learned about these machines, they have the potential to burn roughly the same number of calories. Running on a treadmill can deliver almost the same results as a workout on an elliptical, and vice versa. The major factor in determining how many calories you burn on treadmills or elliptical trainers is how you use them.

A study demonstrated the difference in the number of calories burned when using ellipticals vs treadmills. A person weighing 150 pounds burned around 783 calories in one hour running on a treadmill at 7mph. This same person burned 774 calories in one hour using an elliptical trainer. However, when this person only walked on the treadmill at 3mph only 297 calories were burned in an hour. The take away of the study was that the intensity of your workouts on these machines determines how much fat you ultimately burn.

That being the case, you should make your buying decision based on which machine you will enjoy the most and which one will motivate you to actually use it. If an elliptical is more interesting to you and as a result you'll likely stick with your exercise program, then buy an elliptical. However, if you prefer to jog or run then a treadmill is a better investment.

Another consideration when deciding between ellipticals vs treadmills is your health. Many people find that exercising on a treadmill is too intense for their joints. While treadmills are easier on the joints than jogging or running outside, there is still considerable more impact on knees and joints than there is from using an elliptical. So if you have problems with your knees and ankles, or experience joint pain, then an elliptical would be a better choice.

Regardless of which machine you choose, just remember that the intensity of your workouts will determine how many calories you burn and how much weight you ultimately lose with these machines. If you want better results, then crank up the intensity of your exercises!

Ellipticals Vs Treadmills - Which One Burns More Fat?

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Eclipse 1100 HR Review - Dietspotlight.com

www.dietspotlight.com This is a dietspotlight.com review of Eclipse 1100 HR. Eclipse 1100 HR is an elliptical trainer sold by Eclipse, a fitness brand exclusive to retail giant Target. Smaller than typical elliptical trainers, this machine claims to be low-impact and easy to install, packaged with a complimentary LCD window, twelve pre-set programs, a calorie and time tracker, and a one year warranty, included with all Eclipse 1100 HR trainers.

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Tony Little Abs Machine Gets Results

!±8± The Tony Little Abs Machine Gets Results

The problem with most abdominal exercises is that most of them are incredibly uncomfortable and some actually physically hurt. The Tony Little abs machine offers support to the neck, back, shoulders, and head so that you aren't putting additional strain on these muscles in order to work out your abs.

Additionally, the Tony Little abs machine gets you up off the floor for your abdominal work out. Many of us don't really enjoy the prospect of getting up and down off the floor or spending a great deal of time on the cold, hard, and often uncomfortable floor. This abdominal workout is like none you've ever seen before.

While the Tony Little abs machine might look like a comfortable place to sit and watch television more than a great way to work out your abs, don't be deceived by looks alone. This machine helps you achieve a wonderful and intense abdominal workout.

The Ab Lounge Xtreme is what the Tony Little abs machine is called and it is extreme. This machine comes with a workout DVD that you can watch from the comfort of your machine. The workout is designed for various fitness levels from the beginner to the advanced and the only real difference is the length of the workout. 2 minutes for beginner, 4 for intermediate students, and 6 minutes for those who are advanced.

In addition to the Tony Little abs machine you will also receive a meal plan that will help you achieve even greater weight loss and fitness results more quickly. It is always wise to combine low impact exercises such as this with some high impact and/or cardio exercises in order to achieve maximum results.

Check out the Tony Little abs machine and see for yourself why people are giving it rave reviews not only for the abdominal workout but for their personal enjoyment of the workout. Many people enjoy the fact that they can do these exercises during television commercials and not miss their favorite shows.

This workout is great for those who would not otherwise exercise for whatever reason. There are many programs and some equipment that might be more intense but if people aren't willing to do them they aren't all that effective. The Tony Little abs machine works because it fits in their lives and isn't too intense to be enjoyed.

The Tony Little Abs Machine Gets Results

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